Mosquito Control Guide: Preventing Infestations and Eliminating Bites
When you find mosquitoes in your home, your knee-jerk response might be to call pest control. And although the fumigation process solves your problem, you risk exposing yourself and your family to toxic materials. Plus, you might not have the luxury of leaving your house while the experts do their job. So, how do you get rid of mosquitos?
At Bug & Weed Mart, we have spent a great deal of our career solving residential mosquito problems. As such, you can count on us to know the best ways to get rid of them safely and efficiently. Here’s a quick mosquito control guide you can implement if you prefer conducting pest control measures yourself.

Understanding Mosquito Control: Where Do They Come From?
Mosquitos as you know them are the completed form of the pest’s life cycle. They go from eggs to larvae, to pupae, to adults that lay more eggs and make your pest problem bigger. Adult mosquitos lay eggs in stagnant water around your property. Female mosquitoes are also bigger than male ones and are the only ones that bite.
Out of the 3,500 different mosquito species around the world, you are likely to encounter at least one of the 176 species that appear in the United States. These pests have been around for the last 79 million years. While you can’t exactly get rid of them totally, you can still prevent them from eating you alive.
Prevention: The Best Way to Get Rid of Mosquitos
Don’t wait until you can no longer do regular chores, such as watering the plants, walking your dog, or sweeping your porch, because of your mosquito problem. You might notice that these chores are usually those you would do at sunrise and sunset, which are the times when mosquitoes are most active.
Instead of adjusting your entire schedule and allowing them to propagate on your property, let them know that they are not welcome. Prevent them from breeding to effectively control your house’s mosquito problem. Just like how prevention is better than a cure in the medical field, this also applies to pest control.
Proper mosquito prevention will require you to empty all water-carrying objects and fixtures around your house. See this checklist for examples:
Leaving water in any of these objects for as few as three days is enough to leave you facing hundreds of thousands of mosquitos. However, without any stagnant water on your property, mosquitos will have no place to lay their eggs. Thus, they have no way to complete their life cycle.
Mosquito Repellent: Get Rid of Existing Mosquitos
Once you eliminate all possibilities for mosquitoes to reproduce, you will also want to control your existing mosquito larva problem. There are various mosquito repellent products to consider for your house’s pest control.
- Bacterium Granules: This type of mosquito repellent controls mosquito larvae in your property measuring between 100 square feet and four acres. In addition, bacterium granules are safe for animals. So, you can rest assured that any roaming pets of yours will be alright even after getting exposed to such products.
- Bug Vacuum Fan: Strictly speaking, this product is not a repellent because it attracts mosquitoes. However, it attracts them to trap them in a secure unit. This device utilizes a nearly silent vacuum fan, unlike those annoying bug zappers. Instead, it attracts mosquitoes the same way (with UV fluorescent bulbs) and then sucks them into the machine where they get dehydrated then die.
Mosquito Bites: The Primary Concern of DIY Pest Controllers
We understand that mosquito bites are annoying. They are itchy, red bumps that result from an allergic reaction to mosquito saliva left after it sucks your blood. However, these bites have more serious consequences, including:
- Malaria
- Dengue fever
- West Nile virus
Protect your family against these deadly diseases by putting some of our natural mosquito repellent ideas to practice. At Bug & Weed Mart, we make sure families have easy access to high-quality pest control products by serving in several locations
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